I think I should stop pointing other's mistakes out, makes me seem pretentious and arrogant.
But why can't others just realize when they're wrong and change? It isn't that hard, is it?
Arrgh, arrogant little berks. Time to let my emotions go and let God handle the rest.
It's just one of those days where your emotions just go all over the place. I'm ecstatic for fifteen minutes, angry for five, and feeling pretty much melancholic for the rest of the night.
I need to learn how to stop judging. Who am I to pass any judgement on others, when I'm as imperfect as any other out there.
On a less emotional note, I'm quite proud of myself. I managed to get though the lesson without any major problems.
But I still haven't gone through the notes for tomorrow's lesson. I just don't think I'm in the right frame of mind now to focus.
Argh, this sucks. I'm just rambling on and on about stupid stuff. I told myself I'm not gonna do this when I started this blog, it's the exact same path I headed down when I was blogging on my previous blog, a hellhole of rants and negative emotions.
I don't bother if someone else judges me, as long as they have sufficient evidence behind it. It's unfounded accusations that trigger me off.
Sigh, negative emotions again, I need to let all this anger go and let God take control.
It's not easy. I feel like giving up. This is when I really need You now, God. Speak to me. Show me what to do.
No one ever said it would be so hard.
Say what you want,
do what you feel.
Cause those that mind don't matter,
And those that matter don't mind.
I think I got my answer.
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