I think I'm going crazy.
I'm seeing repeated numbers, over and over again. Somehow, whenever I look at my watch/iPod/handphone, the first and last, digits always correspond to each other. It's like some weird, sick symmetry.
I've been seeing signs. Loads of them. But signs of what? I don't know to take it as reassurance, or something different. I don't know if it's right to continue, or give up right now.
To fix a problem, time, patience and co-operation is needed. Unfortunately for me, I'm impatient, time's moving much too slowly, and the other party refuses to reply. It just sucks to be in this position, especially since I've put in so much effort into making this work. Maybe I'm just pessimistic, looking at the darker side of things. But current circumstances don't give me any other choice.
Maybe a catalyst is needed. A spark, an ignition. But.. When. Where. Who. What. Why. How.
So many questions, and I just don't have the answers for everything right now.
This isn't supposed to be emo. I'm not supposed to be emo. I grew out of that self-pitying stage ages ago. Life just likes to throw curveballs at me, one after another. Honestly, I'm getting sick and tired of it. I don't want to live in a roller-coaster anymore. I don't want to fight these conflicting feelings anymore. I just want a resolution.
2010 was supposed to be a good year. Look how it turned out to be.
I don't believe this is the end of it. Yes, I slipped up. Yes, I said stuff I shouldn't have. But I can't help it. That's me. That's how I am, awkward, honest, ignorant, hopeful.
Take this chance. Give me this one last chance. Say something, anything. You know I hang onto every word you say. Give me something to live on.
You won't regret it.
I hope this week turns out to be better. I doubt it, with guard duty, crappy lectures, and silence from those that matter.
I r e a l l y n e e d t o g r o w o u t o f t h i s h a b i t c a l l e d f a i l u r e .