Thursday, April 9, 2009

Death rages.

Back then, when I wanted those words, it came out so easily. Just like a flowing tap. But now, that tap's been screwed tight, and all that's coming out are little droplets, fragments of what could have been, and should have been.

I need to find that smoothness back. And let the words flow. But it's just so hard to say anything at the current state that we're in. And I need to know where I stand in her life.

Back on track, find out where I'm headed.

Death. It's something most people fear, and for good reason. Everything you've lived for, everything you've worked for, everyone you loved and love, all crumbles in front of  you the day you die.

I guess people don't want to die cause it means all they strived to achieve in their lives just vanishes. Or they just want to live it out, without any consequences.

To me, death is not something I fear, not something I look at with disgust.  In fact, I welcome death. It'll come sooner or later, whether you want it or not. Maybe I'm resigned to my own fate, and that I see this matter with tinted glasses. But it doesn't matter what others think. Effectively, everyday you lived for is in preparation for the day you die.

But death isn't the end. For believers, we go to Heaven. Wherever it is, I'm sure it's beautiful.

Who wants to live forever anyway?

"I guess not everybody gets old. Not everybody dies."

"Then you've just got that much longer to suffer, don't you."

- Sylar, Samson Gray

Sometimes you just want to put other people's happiness before yours:
because you love them, because they deserve it. 
Sometimes you want to go out of your way for people just 
because you know it's important that they get a chance to smile once in a while.

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